
What does unconditional love mean
What does unconditional love mean

RELATED: Why So Many Amazing Women Give Their Hearts To Unkind Men Codependency and the role of your wounded self Codependency for an empath is ultimately a projection of unconditional love that they need to learn to give themselves first. Instead, they end up feeling used and depleted.

what does unconditional love mean

They want to give this unconditionality freely, often not realizing that they project their own ideals onto others, expecting them to return the love.

what does unconditional love mean

They resonate strongly with unconditional love and compassion. Very often, it is empaths and sensitive souls who have a tendency to get into codependent relationships. Empaths feel the emotions of others deeply as if they were their own. But the partner will not heal and will not change, because, in the end, they are just mirrors of how we feel about ourselves. Rather than giving love to ourselves first, filling our own cup before we pour it into anyone else, we start chasing love, as if attempting to persuade our partner that we are a loving and good person. The root of this pattern most often lies in our own feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness. Codependent relationships have a pattern of one partner feeling like they have to rescue or heal the other, yet unable to walk out because of fear of loneliness or loss of "love."

what does unconditional love mean

A codependent will cling and grasp to a relationship even if it is dysfunctional, abusive or otherwise not satisfying their needs. Codependency is a pattern of addiction to a relationship to the point where our own needs are put aside.

What does unconditional love mean